====== CAMOMILE : Collaborative Annotation of multi-MOdal, multI-Lingual and multi-mEdia documents ====== === The Project === CAMOMILE (2012-2016) is a [[http://www.chistera.eu|CHIST-ERA]] project selected for the call "From data to new knowledge" (D2K). The project involves 6 participants from 4 countries: * [[http://www.limsi.fr|LIMSI]] (Orsay, France), * [[http://immi.cnrs.fr|IMMI]] (Orsay, France), * [[http://http://www.liglab.fr/|LIG]] (Grenoble, France), * [[http://ww.upc.edu|UPC]] (Barcelona, Spain), * [[http://www.list.lu|LIST]] (Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg) and * [[http://www.itu.edu.tr|ITU]] (Istanbul, Turkey). It is funded by [[http://www.agence-nationale-recherche.fr/|ANR]], [[http://www.fnr.lu/|FNR]], [[http://www.tubitak.gov.tr/|Tubitak]] and [[http://www.mineco.gob.es|Mineco]]. === The Framework === In the context of the CAMOMILE project, we developed a collaborative annotation framework for multi-modal, multi-lingual and multi-media data: * A documentation with all the routes available on this server can be found at [[http://camomile-project.github.io/camomile-server]]. * The source code of the camomile server is distributed under MIT open source license at [[https://github.com/camomile-project/camomile-server]] and is also provided in a Docker image allowing an easy installation. * Along with the server, Python and JavaScript clients embedding the REST API into native language objects have also been developed and are distributed in sibling GitHub repositories. * [[framework|More details about the framework here]]. === The Person Discovery task === CAMOMILE organized the [[http://www.multimediaeval.org/mediaeval2015/persondiscovery2015/|The 2015 Multimodal Person Discovery in Broadcast TV]] task during MediaEval 2015 with support from [[http://www.elra.info/|ELRA]] and [[http://http//www.ina.fr|INA]]. It was followed with the [[http://www.multimediaeval.org/mediaeval2016/persondiscovery/|2016 Person Discovery edition]]. More details are available in the [[http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1436/|MediaEval 2015 proceedings]] and [[http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1739|MediaEval 2016 proceedings]]. === Dissemination === The CAMOMILE framework was presented at Interspeech 2015 Show&Tell or LREC 2016. See the [[publications|list of 50 publications related to the project]].